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If any product proves to have been delivered or provided for pick-up in a damaged condition, expired, omitted in the delivery/pick-up, or if a wrong product is delivered/ provided for pick-up. Please login to [My account>order history] for Return & Refund request within 14 days of receipt of the delivery or pick-up.
(Note: Return & Exchange an item is not available for Macau Click & Collect service, please contact Customer Service for assistance.)

Customers can also contact Mannings Online Store Customer Service for the return & refund request via WhatsApp service no: (852) 5423 2088 or by email to for assistance.
Hong Kong delivery
Home Delivery
  • FREE delivery to Hong Kong upon net spending of $399 or above.
  • For order amount below $399, $45 delivery fee will be charged.
  • Home delivery in 3 working days at the earliest (actual delivery time will be subject to the notification via SMS & Email).

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  • Customer can enjoy free "Click & Collect" service to Hong Kong store upon net spending of HK$50 or above.
  • Over 250 "Click & Collect" stores are available.
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  • Customer can enjoy free Click & Collect service to Macau store upon net spending of HK$100 or above.
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Hong Kong
Home Delivery | Click & Collect

150ml    Item code  726760  

    Nourish the lung, elimiate phlegm and relieve cough.
    To soothe the sore throat, and remove heat. For relief of cough due to cold, copious cough phlegm, relieve discomfort of throat, aphonia and hoarse.
    NOURISH YOUR LUNGS AND PROTECT YOUR THROAT In today’s fast-paced world, people work hard, play hard and live life to the fullest.
    Lack of sleep, excessive smoking as well as too much fried food and city pollution can cause problems in the lungs and throat. For the best all-year-round remedy,
    Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa is recommended. It is specially formulated with soothing honey, Chuan Bei as well as 14 other traditional herbs to reduce phlegm,
    soothe throats and relieve coughs. It goes directly to the root of any respiratory illness to nourish the body from the inside out.
    Product Specification: 150ml
    Origin: Hong Kong


Hong Kong

Product Description

This no sugar added formula contains no added sugar and is made for those who need to control their sugar intake or are more health conscious.


Buibus Fritillariae Cirrhosae
枇杷葉 Folium Eriobotryae
南沙參 Radix Adenophorae
茯苓 Poria
化橘紅 Exocarpium Citri Grandis
桔梗 Radix Platycodonis
法半夏 Rhizoma Pinelliae Praeparatum
五味子 Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 瓜蔞子 Semen Trichosanthis
款冬花 Flos Farfarae
遠志 Radix Polygalae
苦杏仁 Semen Armeniacae Amarum
生薑 Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens
甘草 Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae
杏仁水 Aqua Armeniacae
薄荷腦 Mentholum
蜂蜜 Mel

Pour syrup onto spoon and swallow or dissolve in warm water and drink slowly.

Aged over 12: 1 tablespoon (15ml), 3 times a day

Aged 7-12: 2/3 tablespoon (10ml), 3 times a day
Aged 3-6: 1/3 tablespoon (5ml), 3 times a day
Or take according to doctor’s advice

Product Warnings
Pregnant woman is advised to consult doctor before taking. If you have a fever over 38°C or coughing persists for more than a week, please consult doctor immediately.

Storage Condition
Preserve in tightly closed container. Place it in cool area. Keep it out of the reach of children.

Major Ingredients:
This product contains active ingredients: Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae, Folium Eriobotryae, Poria, Exocarpium Citri Grandis, Radix Platycodonis, Semen Armeniacae Amarum, Aqua Armenacae, Radix Et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae, Mentholum, etc.

Returns & Refunds

Under normal circumstances, Mannings would not accept any request for return or refund of Products.

If any product proves to have been delivered or provided for pick-up in a damaged condition, expired, omitted in the delivery/pick-up, or if the wrong Product is delivered/ provided for pick-up, please login to>My account>order history>looks up the transaction and raise the refund request within 14 days of receipt of the delivery or pick-up. Customer can also contact our Customer Services for the return request by sending email to

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The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司